Why it’s important to use unique passwords for each website


It is important that you do not use the same password on different websites because this can put the secutity of your accounts at risk. if you use the same password for all your acounts, a cybercriminal only needs to hack one of your aciunts to gain access to all the other. This because many websites do not have adequate security measures to protectyou passwords. additionally, if a website suffers a security measures to protect your passwords.additionally, if a website suffers a secutity beach and your credentials are stolen, cybercriminals can use yourcredentials to access your other ccounts.Therefore, it is importantthat you use unique and secure password for each of your accounts. Secure password should be a combination of letters, number all your passwords, you cab use a trusted password manager that allows you to store and manage all your passwords in one place. this wa, you only need to remember one master password to access all your accounts.

If you suspect that your email has be cnorinnused, you can check if it has been unclude in any breached list. Here are some websites where you can verify if your email has been compromised:

The following links are websites where you can check if you can check if your email is on any breached list:


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